Despite efforts by Governor Newsom to minimize cuts to education and children's services, the revised May California budget proposal leaves schools and other programs facing significant cuts.
The largest cut to K-12 funding is a 10 percent reduction to the Local Control Funding Formula ($6.5 billion in 2020-21).
Schools throughout the state, already bracing for cuts before the pandemic, now have to cut budgets even further. The financial hurt stretches beyond the coming school year, with even greater economic challenges in the following years.
The pandemic has overwhelmed the state's capacity to adequately support the education, health and welfare of California's children.
What does that Mean for the WCCUSD?
On May 20, 2020, the WCCUSD board adopted its third interim as a “Qualified,” meaning we may not meet our financial obligations over the next two years. The district released the following numbers:
2020-2021 -$29.8 Million (already approved by the WCCUSD Board)
2021-2022 -$22.5 Million (Bracing for cuts before the pandemic)
-$18.5 Million (Additional Caused by COVID1-9 Governor’s May Revise)
2021-2022 -$41 Million TOTAL
($1 million = approximately 10 teaching jobs per Dr. Wold, 5/19/20 DLCAPS meeting)
COVID-19 Additional = 185 teaching jobs.
Please do not come away from this thinking we are cutting teaching jobs or anything else. It is premature to make any any assumptions about reductions at this time. The comparison is only provided so that the number is given a picture in your mind.
Time for Advocacy
Before we get to details about the proposed budget, let’s address what we all must do now to cushion this blow. We need to speak up and advocate for more money: More money from the federal government, more money at the ballot box, and more revenue in the state budget. Even local measures.
Contact your state representatives: Let them know what the impact of the proposed budget will be on your school.
To find your representatives click here.
Advocate for More Federal Funding: Contact your federal representatives and ask them to support an additional $200 billion in federal funds for schools. Unless Congress acts, schools will experience major budget cuts triggered by the pandemic. Click here to send a message to your federal representatives.
Help pass the Schools and Communities First ballot initiative which is on the November ballot: This could raise about $11.5 billion dollars each year for our schools and local communities. Click here to volunteer and for more information.
Census results affect planning and funding for education—including programs such as Head Start, Pell Grants, school lunches, rural education, adult education, and grants for preschool special education. The future counts today!
Be open to the discussion of a local funding measure.
The WCCUSD may well put a local funding measure on the November ballot. Be open to this discussion. Understandably, it is a difficult topic. Please remember..... $10 million dollars = 100 teaching jobs.
It is going to take all of us to change the tide and weather this storm.